April 3-6, 2003: Cherry blossoms

April 4. I am standing under the beautiful cherry blossoms of Jiyu Gakuen campus in Ikebukuro, Tokyo.
The Tomorrow Hall, on the back ground, was first designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. The cupper roof of the building matches very well with the full bloom of the cherry trees.
In Tomorrow Hall, an exhibit "The 100th anniversary of Females' Friend" is being held.
Princess Michiko and Kiko visited the Hall as well.
This is the first school building of Jiyu Gakuen to which my son entered from junior high school.

On April 5, we visited Yokohama City in the afternoon.
Cherry blossoms are in full bloom here as well.

Nippon Maru, one of the sailing ships in Japan, found its final rest place here. A Ferris wheel goes slowly in the park.

This is another point of view of Sakura on the bank of Royal Palace moat. The thick pink color of weeping cherry is very good.

This is another kind of Sakura called Green Cherry. It has a greenish color actually.

In the evening, we explored Sakura blossoms along the moat from Tokyo station to Takehashi, Chidorigafuchi Park, and Hanzoumon. We became a little bit tired, but we could enjoy the flower.

April 6. My son lives in such a beautiful river site called Shakujii. The famous cherry tree called Somei Yoshino, which covers most part of Japan, originates from here, they say.