March 10, 2003: Fireplace and hearth
Spring is still one step away in March. We have cold days yet.
Today, I drove up to Kujyu highland with my favorite car together with my friends to join a meeting. The peaks of Kujyu mountain range are covered with snow caps. The grand view stopped the car at the road side for a while for watching the landscape.
The flickering flame welcomed us at the log house. I hope to have such a wonderful stove.
We took lunch at a restaurant nearby and enjoyed Japanese style hearth called "Irori."

The glare of the charcoal fire warms our bodies with gentle infrared beam. Home made hot tofu dishes were really good on a cold day like today.

White mountains are visible through the window.
Early spring wild vegetable dishes are salad of tofu refuse, Nobiru mixed with rice paste, hot water dipped tofu, home made tofu residue, and tempura of Fuki-no-tou buds and natural Japanese yam.
In the end, we took Dengaku, made from home made tofu that is produced only 25 piece a day. They are well roasted in the Irori hearth and served with tasty soup. We fully enjoyed today.

Yamame fish spit-roasting was served as well.