May 13, 2002: Beautiful day in May
Here in Oita, the weather has been very miserable until the arrival of my younger brother family. Yes, they carried0in a fresh cool air from Hokkaido Island.
The sun smiles at us from early in the morning. We took wonderful breakfast on the terrace. The nephew showed up again after checking is business in the office and took a compensatory day off.
The father and the son learn Internet from my husband while I was cleaning up the morning dishes.
OK, let's drive out in a car although it is a little bit small for five adults.

First we drive up to a high point in the community and looked through the grand landscape stretching from Mt. Yufu and Mt. Kujyu in the west and Oita coastal industrial region in the east.
And we came up to my resort Kujyu highland.
We crossed a pass called Makinoto at the altitude of 1,330 meter above sea level. On the back is Mt. Mimata, or "Three peaks."
Hacchou-Baru geothermal plant is in sight as well.
We visited Komatsu Hell park next to the plant. Kyushu and Hokkaido islands are famous for their abundant natural hot resources such as volcanoes and spas.
I found a small bush of Miyama Kirishima wild azalea in the green.
We passed Mizuwake pass, a divide that directs a drop of rain to Chikugo river system to the north and Oita drainage texture to the south. Yufuin valley is under our sights.

Yufuin features its fresh and thick green reflecting on the beautiful sunlight that passes through the foliage.
Yunotake-Ann restaurant serves seasonal natural vegetable dishes including young bamboo shoot, flowering-fern, sesame tofu, Bungo beef, carp, and other local material dishes. Local beer was tasty, of course.
After enjoying a shopping, we were guided to a classic "Reading Room" in the hotel complex. Mt. Yufu reflects on the window glass like this.
This really rare trumpet-type gramophone can still play SP records using bamboo needle.
We walked around Kinrin pond (Golden fish skin scale pond.)
Kinrin pond, straw thatched public spa, and yellow iris make a sample of real Japanese beauty.
Waterfowls enjoy the sunlight.

On our way back home, we dropped in a hot spring and relaxed. We chatted again late into the night.