March 20, 2002: Still waiting for spring
I will drive to Nagayu spa together with my close friends.

On the way, we dropped in a roadside open market. There are many fresh greens.
I bought some bunches of dark green colored spinach and Chingensai, a sort of Chinese vegetable. My friends got many carbonated steamed bean-jam bun for souvenir.
We again dropped in a shop called Mom Fumi's house. Some red lanterns are hanging down from the eaves of the entrance. The steamed bean-jam bun of the shop is good, they say. I bought some of them this time as well.
Kujyu mountain range is in the spring mist.
We came up to "German Village" in Naoiri town.

Naoiri deepens its exchange with Germany through the theme of hot spring. The park in the Village seems to be a little bit Germany-like.
Hisui-no-Shou, or Green Jade Village, is our destination today.
Spring is still one step away from here.
Beautiful pieces of ceramic tiles welcome us at the front hall.
Horsetail community smiles at us.
The main building stands with its massive straw-thatched roofing.
We had a reading at the table in the lobby. The lines were "Look at the birds in the air" taken from a work by Motoko Hani. Talking in the beautiful nature makes us forget busy times in our life.
The dinning room is of Japanese style yet with a good stained glass window.
A scroll picture as an alcove ornament is written by a member of German Embassy.

Many beautiful appetizers are on the table.

From left, red-and-white radish pickled in vinegar, and western style appetizers. The containers are of Rojin porcelain kilns in Taketa.
Fried Enoha fish (left) and Bungo steak (right) were really wonderful.
We had another tasty dishes as well.
We had a pleasant two hours in the restaurant. Lucky Enoha fish still survive in the aquarium displayed in the corridor.
After a while, we enjoyed hot spa.
Nagayu lake is in the sight below the open bath.
In the main building, a large fireplace keeps its never-die- out-fire.

The smoke keeps the building all year round.
I have had a good day today.