
January 18-22, 2002: Call back the dead
January 19: The 23rd anniversary of my grandmother
I will visit my mother's home in Tatsuno City to hold a Buddhist service for my dead father and grandmother.
We got on a ferryboat as usual from West-Oita port. The boat arrived at Kobe port on 19th early in the morning. We drive back to Tatsuno for a while and dropped in a fast food shop that views Akashi Bridge. This is our regular course.
We drive to west.

Ibo River and Keirou hill have come in sight. This is my dear old landscape of my birth place.
The ornament of horse, this year's zodiac symbol, and my old mother welcomed us at the entrance.
My younger brother, my sister and her husband showed up as well.
My son and his wife arrived from Tokyo.
My grandmother died 23 years ago. She had loved our children and us very much. Thanks to her love, we can see again each other this time.

We took Sushi for lunch.
As the representative of the cousins arrived, we all visited my grandmother's cemetery.
We visited the family temple as well.
After the reading service of the sutras by a priest, we talked about the memory of the ancestors.
The heavy snow in Sapporo area prevented my younger brother and his wife from arriving on time by plane just after the noon. In the evening, however, all the families met eventually. We 14 members in total had a pleasant Chinese style dinner at Red dragon flyer, a people's hotel facility nearby. We talked much late into the night.

January 20, 2002: The third anniversary of my dead father
We will have the third anniversary of my dead father today. Just before the noon, my nephew family arrived from Tokyo. We took lunch together with a picture of our dead father.
It was very good to have such a time.
An old friend family of the dead father showed up from Himeji City and we all visited the cemetery.

The cemetery was covered with thick died leaves of ginkgo. We cleaned them up.
We took some pictures there.
Then we visited Nyouraiji temple.
In the main building of the temple, the priest had a lecture on human life.
He also had a reading service of the sutras
My son and his wife returned back to Tokyo in the evening.
We had another pleasant dinner in the same lodging facility.

January 21, 2002: We return to Oita
In the morning, all the families from Kouchi, Tokyo, and Sapporo returned home respectively. We will go back by a ferryboat in the late night.

My mother wanted to take "Rotating sushi bar lunch."
On our way back to my mother's home, we dropped in a florist to get some seedlings.
A young lady in charge of brewing coffee said that she also used a digital camera and PC.
In the afternoon, we look back again our dead father by looking photo albums. My younger brother will stay another night today. We said good-bye to my mother and headed to Kobe. The ferryboat arrived Oita port on schedule at January 22nd noon.