
January 15, 2002: Big Eye sleeping
Institute for Hypernetwork Society (IHS) will test today "3-D video capturing test" at Big Eye, a World Soccer Game Stadium in Oita City, Japan.

The test started yesterday.
I found a terminal box like on the top floor of the stadium. Many wires run out of them.
The wires connect many gadgets like personal computers, monitors, and TV cameras.
Mr. Fujino, a member of IHS, manages the experiment. He uses a bicycle to moving around the vast corridors of the Stadium. He explained 28 TV cameras are set in the Stadium to capture the images.
Fujino is worrying about ready-for-dropping-rain weather. The cover of the Stadium is still open.
Each corner of the large lawn field is a TV camera. Students from Tsukuba, Keio, and Oita University adjust them. As Mr. Fujino said it would take a long time today, I decided to go home.
Just out of the Stadium, we came across by chance with Professor Kanade of Carnegie Mellon University, the center of this time experiment. He has just arrived here from Oita airport.
He is very bright with a wonderful smile.

I see him very often on the web or on newspapers. This is the first time to see this prominent researcher, however. We were very glad to be able to exchange conversation frankly with him. We hope the experiment will go well with many fruits.