
January 3, 2002: Snow calls me
Weather forecast said "Tomorrow will be the coldest day in this winter." It was right on the 3rd day of the New Year.

Mt. Yufu can be hardly visible from home behind the growing bamboo bush, but I wanted to enjoy a better view at a nearby overlook point.
As we don't have any non-slip tire chain, we can't drive up to mountain drive on a snowy day.

In a good timing, the Miyases, our closest friend, call me up for driving to Kujyu Highland to see snow. I was delighted.
Snow started to appear on the road shoulder just after we passed Notsuharu town. After maneuvering a couple of slippery slopes, the Miyases finally set up the tire chain.

Thank you Miyases for your hard work in the coldness.
Some cars were left unattended on the roadside.

We could drive safely on the snow or icy mountain road thanks to the tire chain. We stopped at a viewpoint of Kujyu mountain range and the kid soon jumped out of the car for snow playing.

A pleasant we-were-there-picture on the background of snow covered Kujyu range.
From right, Mr. Miyase, my husband Ken, Miyase's son, and Mie. Mrs. Miyase took the picture.
Kujyu highland was covered with snow with strong chilly wind.

Guernsey ranch is also in the chilly strong wind.
Icicle-hung eaves tells the coldness of the area. The length of the icicle is likely one meter.
We were served with hot sweet Amazake drink at the restaurant. It was really hot and warmed me from the core of the body.
Kid loves playing in the wind. He soon play on the slope with the sleigh.

I was moved by an unlike-Kyushu scene covered with thick snow. It was very cold, though.
On our way back home, we dropped in a tearoom "Goethe" in Kujyu town. Mr. Satou is a good friend of Miyase. He runs the small tearoom together with his wife Karin from Germany. He had been living in Germany for a long time. I talked about our travel to Germany last year.
We got back home in the dusk. I was invited to dinner at Miyase's home.
Takashi Asahina, a famous conductor, died on December 29 last year. Miyase showed me a video and we listened to the wonderful performance with the memory of him.
I enjoyed wonderful Osechi dishes and wine and talked much about personal computers, our travel experience, and others. I have had a good three-days in the beginning of the year. I hope we will have a good year. Thank you very much the Miyases.