
2001 USA-Germany Travel Record

October 18, 2001: Potsdam

Today, we will visit Potsdam, which is located not far from our hotel. The car passes through a beautiful street flanked with thick forest.

Soon, we came up to a beautiful bridge, Glienicker. Many kids visit here as well for study. This was an old border between then East and West Berlin. We stand now on then West side and the other side of the river is then East Berlin. Klaus explained that the residence in East bank was not allowed to open the doors to see flourishing West. As the bridge was not destroyed by the war, it was used for exchanging point of the spies of both sides. The kids crossed the bridge on foot and got on the bus waited at the riverbank.

We soon entered downtown Potsdam. This is Schloss Sanssouci built in 1747 as the summer detached palace of Frederic the Great. The entrance gate of the garden is very elegant.

Unfortunately, we couldn't enter inside of the building because a meeting was held in it. At the top of the terraced vine garden is the beautiful palace, which is said to be equal to Versailles Palace.

(picture by Klaus P.)

The grape trees are arranged alternately with the glass covered fig trees like this (right.)

The beautiful western-style garden is designed in geometrical patterns. The huge thick forest of the garden is dotted with many beautiful palaces. Tourists can enjoy them.

The vastness of the garden makes me lose myself. Such a round plate is set on the road for guidance.

Orangerie Palace is visible through the thick forest.

We came up to Chinesiches Haus. In 18th century, aristocracy loved to harmonize occidental beauties with oriental ones. The Haus was constructed in 1757 in Chino-maniac style.

The Haus uses gold abundantly in the decoration of pillars, walls, and roofs, which must have appealed very much to then viewers. Many high school students are sketching the Haus and sculptures arranged around the building.

Friedrich 2 constructed this Neues Palais in order to demonstrate rising power of Preussen. The Palais was built using red bricks to give the massive impression. Looking thoroughly this huge Sanssouci Park requires many days. Unfortunately, I couldn't enter any of the buildings this time and hoped to visit again.

We then visited Cecilien Park in which Cecelien Palace, a world cultural heritage, sits quietly in the forest. Das ist der Letzte Schlossbau der Hohenzollern, erbaut im ersten Weltkrieg 1914-1917 feur Kronprinz Wilhelm und dessen Gattin Cecilie, deren Privatreume wieder besichtigt werden keonnen. The Palace is like an England-style mansion, rather than calling it as a palace. Beautifully colored ivy surrounded the building.

Kaeko strongly recommended taking lunch in the Palace. We enjoyed wonderful atmosphere in a luxurious room once used by the princess.

Hier fand im Sommer 1945 die Potsdamer Konferenz der Siegermeachte statt. Auch der Konferenzsaal und die Arbeitsreume von Truman, Stalin, und Chuchill, speater abgeloest durch Attlee, koennen besichtigt werden. This is the very point we wanted to visit this time travel in Gemany. Klaus told me that the allocation of the rooms for each delegation reflect the strong wish of Stalin who summoned the Konferenz, the best and largest rooms for USSR, followed by UK. Just a small working room was allocated to USA delegation.

We passed through the street of Potsdam. A street car rail runs under the gate like this. Streetcars still run in former Eastern Germany district.

We parked at a street like this. I sometimes saw on TV such a scene. Drivers who park on a street must put a watch dial on the front to show when he or she parked the car. Then we took a U-bahn tram to Berlin again.

According to Klaus's recommendation, we visited Egyptisches Museum Die shoeneste Frau der Welt residiert seit 1920 in Berlin: Koenigen Nofretete, geformer von einem unbekannten Meister im Yahre 1340 v.Chr., ausgegraben 1912 von Ludwig Borchardt. Das acht meter hohe Tempeltor von Kalabsha was also marverous. I took a picture in commemoration of visiting here.

Egyptisches Museum is just in front of Charlottenburg, which was built in 1695-1703 as a summer palace of Friedrich 1 in design of baroque. Museum (left) and Palace (right.)

Time passes so fast. There are so many places not to be missed, but we have no time today. I must return back here without fail. We took dinner at an unusual restaurant named "Soccer" in which many soccer fans enjoy eating and discussion every day. Walls, tables, even lightning are all decorated with soccer-related patterns. Crazy fans enjoy excitement by dinking beer and eating Wurst. Mr. Klaus, thank you very much for such a wonderful day today.

Unfortunately, Klaus doesn't drink in the restaurant, as he has to steer the car later. After we arrived at the hotel, we again enjoyed drinking in my room. Klaus and my husband are talking about something pleasant, and I sorted up the pictures I took today.

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