
2001 USA-Germany Travel Record

October 16, 2001: Berlin

Today, we will leave the hotel we spent three days. When I got down to the dinning room, I got a message from Klaus that he would come here to pick us up earlier than scheduled. His message was that his computer has become to indicate Japanese characters. I was delighted.
When I got out of the hotel, I met some soldiers marching on the street. Here in Germany, people are liable to military service at least once in life.

As I have already gave up that I had no chance to visit his house on the shore, this time invitation is very good. I was asked to keep his house for a while during he sent Kaeko to the nearest station. Kaeko goes home today. I put on Klaus's computer and took a look at a Japanese news site. I also went out to the beautiful beach and enjoyed the landscape of Baltic Sea again.

We will head to Berlin and stay there for three days together with Klaus from today. As Kaeko is not with us, I will enter the world of German and English. My husband tries to speak German he had learned in his college many years ago.
Just after noon, we left Klaus's house and got on an autobahn. The blue traffic sign means we are on an autobahn. Soon w entered old Eastern Germany area. Large farming fields, the remnant of kolkhoz come in sight one after another.

The landscape is a little bit different from what I have seen until yesterday, however. Klaus explained that it was a result of economical difference still visible in this area.

We dropped in a rest parking. Klaus and my husband open a map and discuss which is the best way to get in Berlin. Trucks are forbidden to drive autobahns on weekend, and many large trucks are driving on the autobahn instead. I first thought that all drivers drive on an autobahn more than 200 km/h, but it was not true. Klaus said that the easiest driving speed was about 120 km/h for him.

At the rest parking, I found such interesting things. They are recycle bins made of strong steel with a round opening on the top each of them. From left, for glass bins of brown, green, and transparent respectively. I can find similar containers here and there on the streets and parks.

Autobahn Nr.24 heads east to Berlin in the sunset. In the dusk, we arrived at a hotel we stay for three days from tonight. This is a motel in a camping ground in the southern suburbs of Berlin.

"Gaggle of wild geese guided me to the capitol of a northern country"

It's already dark enough. I wonder where we can take dinner. Klaus proposed to take dinner in a restaurant on the top floor of Fernsehtrum. I was delighted and got on a S-bahn from a nearby station.

We got off the train at just front of Fernsehtrum, a TV tower built by former Soviet Union who had once wanted in vain to demonstrate the communist power to the western world. The height of the tower is 365 meter, the same number as the day of a year. The rotating restaurant is 203 meter above the ground. We enjoyed a wonderful dinner by viewing the night landscape of Berlin. The density of illumination was, however, sparser than I had expected. This could be because the capital is rich in forest. I expect tomorrow's sightseeing.

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