
2001 USA-Germany Travel Record

October 7, 2001: Back to Washington DC

We left Vienna and headed east to Washington DC. Before getting on the main route, we dropped in a shopping center in Vienna. It is hard, as usual, to keep myself away from shopping spree. It is already lunchtime and we entered in a restaurant and took one "senior steak dish." The amount was enough for two.

We drive by consulting with a map. We came across a small festival in a village in the Appalachian mountain range. Police kindly show the detour.

We enjoy wonderful autumnal colors in the mountain.

We soon saw an unusual rock garden in the front. There are n\many caverns around here. We hoped to get a motel here but it was very hard to find it on Saturday evening.

We have no other choice but continue driving. At last, we found a shabby motel in Petersburg. The owner of the motel is a veteran of Korean War and stayed in Japan for two years. He taught us a good restaurant nearby. There was a tank in front of the restaurant. In the night, I sorted many pictures I took today.

October 7 morning was very cold; the temperature seemed to be around zero degree C. The front glass of the car was covered with frost.

The map is our life. We enjoyed beautiful autumnal color of northern Appalachian hills.

We then again came up to Front Royal, the northern entrance of Shenandoah Park that we visited three years ago. There are many Stars and Stripes in the town, this is the Court House.

We pain ten dollars and drove up the driveway. There are many overlooks on the road like this.

Beautiful leaves make my eye happy.

We wanted to drive more, but the speed limit was only 35 mph and we still had a long way to go down to the end of the drive. We got off the drive halfway and came across to a rest point. We enjoyed a small pleasant festival and shopping there. CNN TV in a shop reported that America started an attack to Afghanistan at last.

Colorful apples and Halloween pumpkin-shaped potteries are sold on the roadside shops.

Such a complicated road sign is the only guide for Washington DC.

We are approaching Washington DC after a long drive. We arrived home at last safely.

CNN continue to report the attack to Afghanistan. We must watch TV carefully.

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