
November 15, 2001: Hyper Network 2001 Beppu Bay Conference
Broad band community
Beppu Bay Conference has always been giving me pleasant dreams and hopes since its first session in 1990 March. More than ten years have passed since then. I have been joining it from the second meeting in 1992.

At first, I enjoyed personal computer communication through the telephone line. Today, I enjoy the Internet with continuous communication method by cable. The world is, however, heading toward broadband communication. I am expecting very much what topics will be heard today. The Conference always stimulates my brain.

Mr. Aizu opened the meeting as an emcee.
Many attendants from throughout the nation filled the hall.

As the Conference is combine with the 33rd Hyper Forum, many local residents join the meeting.
Mr. Tatewaki, vice Governor of Oita prefecture, made a few words on behalf of Governor Hiramatsu who travels abroad today.
Session 1: "Global Broadband" by Anders Comstead, President of Stokab, Sweden
"In Stockholm, about 70 % citizen is involved in the Internet"; he lectured five-year history of Municipal Fiber Company.

Francois Menade from Canada, who backs optical fiber community making campaign, introduces that it takes $8,000 to ay down 1-kilometer fiber line. He wonders why it costs about $30,000 in Japan. His word was very impressive.
Session 2: "Let's connect Kyushu and Korea, Kyushu Giga bit Community!" A Korean journalist Chou Changwong and Radio Revolution Co., Kim Sonkung made very interesting presentation under the emcee by Tooru Ono of COARA Co, Ltd.

Session 3: Sugii emcees "Community Broadband in Japan", in which many groups in Japan introduced their activities.

From Oita, Mr. Mori of Bungo Channel introduced its local movements. He appealed, "What can we support 2002 World Soccer Game to be held here in Oita? We hope to make it our commemorative event."
Mr. Inoue and I hoist a large panel used in an event in this summer. Ono of COARA snaps it.
Kurata from Yamada village, Asano from Osaka, Tomozane from Okayama, and Fujimoto of Wired Broadband Co, reported respectively.
Mr. Kokuryou of Keio University criticized why we haven't hear any moneymaking model discussion today.

He has long been wanted to join a Beppu Bay Conference, he said.
Discussion continues.
Mr. Utsumiya of Oita University introduced present status of construction of "Hyper network of Land of Abundance." Mr. Shumpei Kumon summed up the discussion today.
The discussion will be continued tonight and tomorrow in other places.

Mr. Hotta from Nobeoka takes picture of Mr. Kumon with his digital video camera.
Today's meeting was over. People are preparing for taking we-were-there-pictures.

From left, Asano, Youichiro Kawaguchi, and other attendants line up.
Happy smile of Mr. Nakano who called up in my old days of PC communication some ten years ago.

Unfortunately, I have to go home now. Have a pleasant party!

Open season of Beaujolais Nouveau
We bought a bottle of Beaujolais Nouveau through our close friend Mr. and Mrs. Miyase.

On BBC TV, a program on wine in Portugal was aired in a good timing.

Is the whole world dipped in wine today?

I have had an exciting day today with the Conference and new wine.
               Reported by Mie