
August 11: 2001: Let's enjoy Yuubari melon
We have consecutive hot days here in Oita. In my garden, Portulaca and "Nichi-nichi-sou" or "Everyday blooming flower" are in full bloom in brilliant color.
One day in the morning, a deliveryman rang the bell on the entrance. I found such marvelous melons in the box.
On the surface of the fruit are seals in shape of Hokkaido Island, yes this is called Yuubari Melon.
I soon E-mailed to my nephew living in Oita.
"Come and join us to enjoy beautiful melon from your father in Hokkaido Island."
He soon appeared at the entrance. He has been living here in Oita just four months after graduating the college. He has recently bought a scarlet-colored nice car.
The freshman is now in his height in working. He has grown up a nice guy.
Well, let's slice the big melon that weighs more than two kilograms each.
Sweet smell soon filled the room. I served the melon with uncured ham on it. We enjoyed short but pleasant chatting over the aroma of coffee.

He soon jumped onto his great car and flew back to work in the evening.

We have had an unexpectedly cool breeze this evening. See you again my nephew!

Mieko Nagano