
June 20, 2001: Enjoyed Yufuin with mom
My mother got surgery operation in this spring. She has fully recovered and came all the way down to Oita after a long time.

Today, we visited our favorite Yufuin.
It has been raining heavily in the morning, but the weather was clearing up when we departed home.

Mt. Yufu welcomed us by stripping its thick cloud off the slope and showed the summit for a short time.
We will have a lunch at Budou-ya restaurant in Tamanoyu Hotel.
This lunchbox called "Flower" is the essence of Yufuin, featuring its juicy Bungo beef that is acceptable by even my 82 year old mother. She seldom takes meat usually.

Happy people enjoy wonderful dishes.
We enjoyed Kabosu sherbets in "Nicole's Bar" by viewing thick greens through the low-positioned window.
After the lunch, we relaxed in the wonderful garden filled with many kinds of wild flowers.
My mother first visited Yufuin just after we were moved to Oita. My dead father, mother, my husband, my small son - then a kindergarten pupil -, and I stayed at Kamenoi Besso Hotel. The old thick straw-thatched roof reminds my mother good old days.

It was more than 30 years ago.
After that, whenever my parents came to Oita, we used to visit here Yufuin. My father was dead last year and my mother seems to be lonely this time.

Lake Kinrin and tall Japanese cedars make a wonderful scene. We hope we can protect this beautiful view forever.

Deep blue hydrangea flower overflowed from a fence of a house.
The day before yesterday, we learned that a new branch of Kotokoto-ya opened nearby. This is the branch.
Many kinds of homemade jam produced by Misako, my close friend, and her families are beautifully arranged on the shelf. Sample jams look like natural jewels.
This is the jam factory equipped with large ranges and cupper pans.

Grape is being processed for making jam.
On our way back to Oita, we visited another friend Wakako who grows vast amount of flowers and greens. She gave me armful flowers.
The flowers were decorated in the room together with mug cups my mother bought for us today.
Beautiful flowers and tasty jams made from Ume and Skanpo make us very happy today.

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