
April 25, 2001: Cambodia-Oita Association started
Cambodia-Oita Association founded its base today here in Oita City. As I got an invitation from one of my close friends in Yufuin, I attended the meeting together with my husband. Special guest Mr. Morihiko Hiramatsu, governor of Oita, makes a few words in the beginning under the flags of Cambodia and Japan.
The foundation meeting started at 6:00 p.m. at Tokiwa Hall.

The hall is already filled with many people including TV reporters.
Mr. Yahata expedites the proceedings by introducing the promoters, from right, Mr. Nikaido, Mr. Mizoguchi, Mr. Nakaya, and himself.
Governor Hiramatsu handed the microphone to Mr. Paul Seng Ky, a second secretary of Cambodian Ambassador to Japan. He cerebrated the start meeting on behalf of the special envoy In Kiet saying, "I strongly hope that today's meeting will be the first step to promote the exchange between two countries."
Mr. Nakaya, one of the promoters, explained the procedure of creating the Association.

In last June, Ms. Gotoh visited Cambodia.
Many Asian VIPs joined Asia Summit in Beppu last October. Some of them visited Yufuin and Ohyama town, the leading villages of "One village one product campaign" advocated by the Governor Hiramatsu.
In January this year, Governor Hirtamatsu was asked to visit Cambodia and exchanged the memorandum between Kingdom of Cambodia and Oita Prefecture Japan. The memorandum covers above said campaign and friendship of both countries. This is the main stream until today.
Ms. Gotoh explained the regulations of the Association.

"By deepening the relationship between Cambodia and Oita on grass-roots basis, we hope to promote the exchanges in industry, culture, study, and sport in order to develop each other."
The officers were nominated, In Kiet Cambodian Ambassador and Governor Hiramatsu as the advisors, Mr. Nikaido as the Chairman, Mr. Sonezaki and Mizoguchi as the vice-chairmen. Mr. Sonezaki and Mr. Nikaido made few words respectively (left picture.)
After discussing the action plan of the year, we moved to a party room.

On the wall are the many pictures of Cambodia that tell the human and nature of the country.
Cambodia is famous for its Angkor Wat, one of the World Legacies. "Golden Silk" is a special product as well. Some silk products were displayed on the table. Female groups directly led by Princess Ranariddh manufactured them.

I couldn't resist touching the beautiful silk.
I was lured by beautiful foods on the table as well.
After toasting, the exchange party started pleasantly. Mr. and Mrs. Hiramatsu are pleasantly chatting with Yufuin group.

On the screen, a video film taken by Kentaro Nakaya in January introduces the wonderful landscapes of Cambodia.

Mr. Nakaya commented his impression of Cambodia saying, "The country is still in chaos of aftereffects of the civil war such as mines, pious Buddhists greeting to me elegantly joining their hands, towns and villages filled with vividness, and green rice fields stretching as far as eye can reach. I was deeply fascinated this attractive and unusual country."
Beautiful companions are making dishes for the attendants chatting pleasantly here and there.
My husband enjoys the party as well by chatting on Cambodia.
I found female leaders who promote "One Village One Product Campaign."
Mr. Paul Seng Ky, standing in back left, frankly joined us in taking picture. Today, I joined this meeting according to the recommendation by a friend. I hope I can visit Cambodia some day.
A local TV station aired the film in the night flash.

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