
November 18, 2000:eENO LIVE in BRICK BLOCK
I visited BRICK BLOCK in west Oita to see a live performance by eENO.
eENO is a music group led by Mr. Kikuchi, one of active member of Yufuin mailing list.

I expect to enjoy the vocal of a special guest Wayan.
I ordered a drink for waiting the opening.

BRICK BROCK is located in front of West Oita ferry terminal. An old warehouse was reformed to a music hall. The bare brick wall matches all the more well with the atmosphere of the place.
The performance started after eight p.m. with the piano play by Mr. Kikuchi (leftmost.)

Another guest player Zan (born in Oita, Akiko Yamamoto) played Didgeridoo, an oboe-like aboriginal musical instrument.
Ms. Kanako Togawa, a member of eENO sang wonderful Italian songs.
Wayan (from Saeki City in Oita prefecture, real name Hiroko Hamano) wore good costume and sang beautiful jazz songs she had learnt in New York. I was fascinated with her beautiful voice. She runs recording produce business as well.

Tonight's artists are Kikuchi (piano and synthesizer), Shouno (saxophone), Matsuo (clarinet), Araki (classical piano), Hata (percussion), and Fukada (wood base.)
From left, Araki, Yokogawa of OBS as an emcee, and Togawa.

Wayan wears a beautiful patterned jean (center.) One-step earlier Christmas songs filled the hall.
Tonight's live was ended up with "Cactus flower" by Kikuchi.

A pleasant drawing lots was held in the end. The top prize is a hotel coupon for two guests at Sansuikan Hotel in Yufuin in which Mr. Kikuchi works. I had a good Saturday evening today.

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