
September 17, 2000: Cheering for an Olympic Soccer Game
The Sydney Olympic Games has started at last on September 15. Today, we will have the second match of the first elimination round soccer game between Japan and Slovakia.

As I have learned that a cheering event will be held at Cent Porta Square in Chuou arcade by looking up a large multi-vision screen, I came up to the site by bus in the evening.

As soon as I got out of the bus, I heard a stir sweeping through the square. It's now going on in the heated cheering.
Cheering flags are here and there, and cheer stands are set on the roadside. Many staff members wearing yellow jacket control the crowd. Thank you for their efforts.
If Japan defeats Slovakia today, it will lead to the final tournament. This is why all the cheerers in the square are heated to the top.

Enthusiastic cheerers applause in the beautiful plays. Some of them beat the drums with yelling "Nippon, Nippon."
The multi-vision consists of 16 screens, giving a strong appeal to the cheer group.

Every movement of the players in the screen causes a stir of the cheer group. Oita is now connected to Canberra directly.

The cheer group is still swelling up. I decided to go home and cheer through my TV. In the square are other screens like those that gathers crowd around them.

Japan beat Slovakia two-one. Japan had enough power to get another point. I suppose the cheer group at the multi-vision must have got into swing. Thank you for the staff and cheer group. Next time Japan will meet with Brazil.

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