
March 18: A mini-off line meeting,  by Mie
Mr."Masa@koube" always contributes pleasant topics on our mailing list of Food. He sent a message the other day, saying, "I will go home this consecutive holidays. I would be happy if we can have a small meeting in Yufuin." This is why I drove up to Yufuin today.

Mt. Yufu in a spring haze.
It was in early February when I visited Yufuin last time. It was very cold day, but the weather is milder today in spring. Local residents set fire on a stream, can you see scorched grass?
I arrived my favorite resort tearoom Aarden in which I usually welcome the guests to Yufuin.

The tearoom is always filled with wonderful music. Today, I found a new set of speakers. I have never seen such a large speakers before. I wonder why a cushion is put in the center. "It is necessary to reduce the excess resonance", the hostess said.
Right-hand set of the speaker: the trumpet opens toward center, a mysterious shape. A dish-like object on the small speaker is another speaker as well.

The speaker is called Paragon of JBL.
We enjoyed much talking on the members of the Food mailing list, topics of tea, experiences of Kobe Great Earthquake, photos, and other items before we realized the evening. Before leaving the tearoom, I took a picture of Ms. Yuka of Arden and Mr.Masa@koube.
Mr.Masa@koube gave me nice souvenirs, pollen tea of Ippo-dou in Kyoto and smart cake of Koenig's Krone. Thank you very much.

I hope pleasant chatting will go on in the mailing list from now on.

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