
NO.5 November 26, 2003
The 30th YMF report

Regular executive committee No.3
At Kotokoto-Ya tearoom
As soon as I arrived at Kotokoto-Ya, a sheet of paper was handed to me. It reads that the YMF was introduced in a famous music magazine "Music Friends."
The reporter was Mr. Yawara Watanabe, a prominent music copy writer. The article was of the 29th YMF.
The article reminds me of the wonderful YMF this summer. We have learned that Mr. Michio Kobayashi, a great harpsichordist in Japan, will take over the position of YMF music manager from the 30th YMF. We talked over some issues what would be best event to cerebrate the 30th anniversary.
Unfortunately, we have had a few number of the attendant as most members are so busy now.
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