
我が家のホームページ OUR HOMEPAGE

私は(I HAD)4年前にワープロを購入して通信を始めました.
今はパソコン(PERSONAL COMPUTER)を購入して2ヶ月です.


I had purchased a word processor four years ago to join a local communication group.
Now I switched to a personal computer. Just two months have elasped since then.
I am now struggling with the pc for better use. I am a curious housewife who is
looking for new experiences. Please help me.

(MY PASTIME)私の趣味は,テニス,パソコン通信.もちろん主婦としてお料理やお菓子作り,
洋裁や編み物も大好きです.庭の手入れも今の季節(THIS SEASON)は本当に楽しい仕事です.

My pastimes are playing tennis and pc communication. Needless to say, as a housewife,
I have a good time in cooking, baking home-made cookies, dressmaking,and knitting.
Gardening is also a really enjoyable work in this season.