June 16: A pleasant off-line meeting
by Mie
One of the mailing lists group called "Oitant", literally meaning "We love Oita", had a pleasant off-line party tonight, saying "Regular June meeting to enjoy refreshing beer and juicy chicken." Before going to the party, we joined a regular program of FM Radio Oita Internet live aired from COARA Hyper station. Front line from left: Mori, Miyake, Nakamura; back from left: Fujii, Yuuki, Tada, Ono in white shirt, Inoue, and Fujii.
Just after the broadcasting was over at 8:30 p.m, we dashed to a small pub Aramaki, several minutes walk from the radio station. A small board on the entrance reads "in preparation", which can be interpreted "reserved." Another group made a pose when I said "Your picture will be upped on a web site."
The master of Aramaki pub is preparing for chicken barbecue. He adds skin on to the dish. Usually, the chicken skin is not served in this pub, but as someone said loudly in the last time's meeting that the skin was really tasty, he prepares it as a special ingredient.
Tonight, 15 members joined the party. After the toast, they are expecting special foods like cow tongue and chicken under preparation.
Mr. Fujio, the charcoal barbecue authority, demonstrates how to grill the cow tongue properly. He has already attained a state of perfect self-effacement. He first roasted the tongue lightly, then scattered special salt on it. Mrs. Fujii carefully watches his cooking.
Assorted cow tongue and chicken called quick chop sticks. Mr. Inakura (center) first joined the Oitant meeting, enjoying pleasant chatting with Ms.Nakamura (right.)
The chicken skin caused so thick smoke in the pub, all people are suffering from the fire-like smoke. I could easily understand why usually the chicken hasn't been served with skin. Left; Mr. Oshima and my husband Ken are almost chocked by the smoke. Right; Mr. Yuuki (left), the organizer of the party, and Mr. Tada (right) are struggling with chicken over the portable cooking stove. Mr. Inoue and Mr. Mori are suffering from the smoke attacking.
"No smoke, please", Mr. Takemoto is trying to blow off the smoke in vain. The smoke finally got rid of him to the outdoor of the pub.
The hostess cannot stand watching it any longer and tried to remove the smoke with a big fan. Thank you lady, but I am still so busy in grilling and eating the chicken.
My digital camera's lens is not fogged. The room is filled with fusty smoke. The participants are still happy in talking many things. The off-line meeting of June was over in success.
In the back of the pub, Mr. and Mrs. Fujino are striking a happy pose for their picture.
The master offers a bottle of original brand Shochu liquor.
Beautiful shellfish is a special product of Oita. Their beautiful color in red, yellow, and violet made me think twice to grill them. The taste, however, was great indeed. Mr. Fujio is blowing fire with a bamboo blowpipe called Hyottoko - a sulky look. Does he look like it?
We also enjoyed unusual food like cow tendon or tongue. Finally, we ended up with roasted rice cake over the stove.
Lovely girls of the pub, from left: Kanae, Miya, and Yuuki.

barbecue pub Aramaki: San City Kotobuki building 1st floor, 10-1 Kotobuki-machi Oita city.
We have had a wonderful party tonight. Click the picture for more pleasant pictures.

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