June 12: Fragrance Forest of Oita
by Mie
Despite of rainy season, we haven't had proper rain until today. Today I wanted to drive out to somewhere cool. As I have heard that the road was widened, we came up to Fragrance Forest after a long time. A glass-fountain in front of the Fragrance Museum looks like something cool.
The roses enjoy their full blooms, releasing wonderful fragrance around them. Mt. Katamuki and Mt. Sobo are visible in the distance under the haze.
Small sized hydrangeas dot the garden. The color of the flower is much more brilliant than that of in the lowland. Is this because the air is cleaner here?
Lavender, one of my best favorite flower,is swinging in the cool breeze. The sign reads "An early-ripening variety of lavender." When I touched the flower, it gives me a wonderful fragrance.
This is the lavender garden. All the greens around me are of lavender, but they are still waiting for full bloom next month. When I am sitting in the plants, they make me feel very relaxed. Please try to sit in the garden whenever you grow weary, you will be soon refreshed.
An overlook on the way back home enjoys its grand view of Mt. Yufu and Mt. Tsurumi in the center, and Mt. Takasaki on the rightmost. Beppu bay is shining faintly behind Mt. Takasaki. Full of green will surely refresh you.

Call for information: Prefectural Forest Preservation Office 097-536-1111 (ex.3866.)
A wonderful sunset viewed from my home, Mt. Yufu in the center. Click the picture to enlarge.

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