June 3: Welcome Mr. Ishikawa to Yufuin
by Mie
The members of Yufuin net mailing list enjoy pleasant chatting through the web every day. Today, Mr. Ishikawa, one of the active members, will fly-in all the way from Yokohama today on his vacation. This is why we local residents welcome him by having a "mini off-line meeting." TV says Oita has entered a rainy season today, Mt. Yufu is shrouded in a drizzling rain.
Today's site is tea room Aaden run by Mr. Otani, one of the mailing list members. It is located in the thick forest not far from Yufuin interchange. Mr. Otani welcomed us upon our arrival in front of the tea room by car.
Welcome Mr. Ishikawa, this is the first time we meet actually, right? It seems me that we have already been old friends each other through the chatting. Mr. Ishikawa soon enjoys a curried rice dish, one of the special menu of Aaden. Mr. Hiromi Yoshino of Yufuin sits on the right, with whom I meet for the first time. He wear a nice tiepin with a name "HASSELBLADE" in gold. Only tiepin buffs can evaluate it, he said.
Mrs. Yuki Furusho (left), a challenging female member, arranged today's meeting. She soon take out her favorite note PC to take check mails. But as it doesn't work well, she soon give up the connection to the web and ordered a curry. Mr. Matsumura (right), the manager of Yufuin mailing list, has squeezed a couple of hours out of his busy hours for the meeting.

Mrs. Yuka Otani, the proprietress of Aaden, stands by her favorite cherry colored iMac. Many audio speakers compete their unique shapes each other (right.) We wanted to hear them, but the wiring and tuning was too complicated to make them work. Rich afternoon hour flows quietly in the refreshing beauty of wet deep green leaves outside of the window. On the top of the big speaker on the right is a milk pot brought back from Northern Europe. It features very unusual shape. On the right of the pot is a camera called "Seagull" made in China. All of Mr. Otani, Mr. Yoshino, and Mr. Matsumura are camera enthusiasts, they are engaged in a heated discussion.
The entrance hall is built in wellhole style. Mrs Furusho took a picture from an unusual angle from the second floor. From under right, clockwise, Mr. Ishikawa, Mr. Yoshino, Mie, Mrs. Otani, and Mr. Matsumura.
We talked very much, about Yufuin mailing list, personal computer, camera, Yufuin community, and Oita as well as Beppu. Mr. Ishikawa stays in Yufuin tonight. I hope he can watch the firefly dance in the evening? Mrs. Furusho sees him off, saying "I the weather will be fine tomorrow, please come here in Yufuin and join us again, enjoy Yufuin!"

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