May 18: Open course of Beppu college (part 2) : Digital camera
by Mie
Ms. Matsuda, a charming teacher of the college, introduced Mr. Kouji Abe,"Mr.Abe was born in Oita. He has been very fond of camera since the first grade of the elementary school. Camera is developing from black-and-white to color, from analog to digital. He won a Nikkor prize by using a digital camera." His subject was "Let's play with a digital camera, it's a fun." He introduced a history of digital camera and expected that it would soon become a prevailing tool to take picture.
The class room was filled with students of Life-culture course or English course and outside attendants. "Take pictures with a digital camera, take them into a computer, processing to create new images, and send them through the telephone line. Here is a lot of fun", he continues.
He demonstrates what he is doing.
"I use a photo retouching software for the processing. Here is a sample of a fan mirrored on the surface of glass. I took it and thought to use the left half of the picture. Now I cut a part of the picture like this."

"The cut-out picture can be modified like this. First, I will change the color. The original is on the top-left. You can get many copies by changing the mixing ratio of RGB, the three primary colors of light. I chose one on the top-right for save."

A snap shot of yellow rose (left) I found in the morning walking. They are very beautiful, but the background is somewhat noisy. Now I can vanish the background like this and add some letters instead (right.) The picture can be sent by through the phone line."
"Pink azalea flowers bloom beautifully in my garden. Now I will change the color into yellow like this. I prefer to try many operations rather than reading the manual, it is much easier and fun to find new processing."
"This is a sample taken from my exhibition being held in a hall in downtown Oita. The picture was taken in a masquerade. Actually, there were only two figures, large images on the left in black costume and right wearing red kimono. The other figures were added later through the processing."
"On the left is a scene of a beach which was processed circular like this. It is very funny, isn't it? On the right is a picture of Mt. Aso taken in daytime. As the original picture was so unattractive, I reversed the color and added a moon to make an illusionary image. In this way, you can enjoy many variations like those by a digital camera. I hope you will try them. You can visit my home page as well."

I frequently take pictures by a digital camera. Today, I found many new possibilities of the processing. I still have so many things to learn. I have had an informative time today.

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