
October 29: Japan-Korea TV Conference and Multimedia Cafe COARA; by Mie
A Japan-Korea TV conference(Japanese only) was held in Soft Park under the title of "2002 Japan-Korea Internet Exchange."
Both countries will deepen the relationship through the opening of Asia Pacific University and joint opening of the 2002 World Soccer. This conference was designed to discuss how to boost the exchange through the Internet. Several panelists, including me,

joined the conference and introduced what activities they were doing. I talked about my experience of making a home page under the help of "One Person One Home Page" campaign by COARA, and my travel to the USA to visit Internet friends.

Behind the main tables are the seats for the participants to the conference (Hyper Forum.) Today's TV system is of Phoenix, using many gadgets including three monitor screens: one (left) displays Oita and the other two for Korea. The staffs are busy in preparing many kinds of devices.
As an opening entertainment, Ms. Asami Naito performed Chikuzen Biwa from Japan side. She played an old Biwa music of Nasu-no-Yoichi.
On the central screen, the Korean participants who are listening eagerly to the performance are displayed.

From Korean side, a female singer in a traditional costume sang a folk song.

After the presentation by the panelists from both sides, an agreement was signed and exchanged through the facsimile.
Mr. Ono, a director of Hyper Network Society Research in Japan (left), and Mr. Kyong-Hee, Yu, the representative of Korean Wisemen's Association (right.)
After the exchange of the agreement, the informative TV conference was over. I was impressed by the importance of the exchange between Oita and Korea. Many TV crews and presses aired the conference. Three panelists of Japan side, Mr. Shoji Imamura (front in the picture), Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University opening preparation section, Mr. Koichiro Tsuruta, the president of Hotel New Tsuruta, Mr. Kenichi Kai, the president of Hotel Fugetsu, Mrs. Keiko Ikeda who practices SOHO (Small Office, Home Office), and me who love home page making.
I took a break after the conference. From 8 p.m., a "Multimedia Cafe COARA" program started with the collaboration of OBS radio station. Tonight, we had many guests from Hita City: the Takeuchis, the Miyazakis, Mr.Hirakawa and Mr.Kawazu. Miss Tomonari joined from Tenjin COARA, Fukuoka. Miss Korenaga, a member of Oita COARA also joined.

The main theme of the night is, above all, the National Cultural Festival held last week. Mr. Murakami summed up the festival. Mr. Takemoto also explained the test result of the electronics money.

Mr. Mori was trying the "IRC" chatting system all through the program.
How was it? The members from Hita City talked about the activities in Hita Internet Group. They also enjoy tonight's program very much. The landlady of Sanyoukan Hotel in Hita wears a very beautiful kimono.

After the program, all the audiences went to such a pub. I wonder how many people flocked in total.

Mr. Takeuchi proposed the toast. Three couples, the Miyazakis, the Takeuchis, and the Naganos sit together tonight. It was very nice, indeed. The Miyazakis and the Takeuchis from Hita are very good people. We all agreed to have another chance to exchange between Hita and Oita.
Guys love drinking rather than eating. After this, many kinds of dishes were brought up on the table, but everybody was too busy to take pictures.
A pleasant party was over, yet they are still talking. It is a pretty drive to Hita City from now. Safety drives, please!