
NO3. July 13, 2005

the 31st Yufuin Music Festival
Executive Committee Report
Regular meeting at Kotokoto-ya tearoom
We have heavy rain recently here in Oita area, but the sky was cleared up today in the evening. We have drove up to Yufuin valley in the beautiful sunset.
We the members prepared for the coming festival. At the entrance of the tearoom was a vase of Higotai flower. I wondered if summer and autumn would come at the same time in the mountain area.
We had many gift cookies this evening.
The schedule of the festival was carefully checked.
Local residents donated money to the festival.
The banner of the festival was designed using a computer.
The color sample of T-shirt.
Young staffs work hard late into night everyday. This is a sign of the festival.
The cut sample of the sign.
The next meeting will be held on July 20.The joint start ceremony of YMF (Yufuin Music Festival) and YFF (Yufuin Film Festival) will be opened on July 24. Unfortunately, I can't join them, but I hope somebody would report about the event.

The 31st YMF report