October 30

Today, we had another beautiful morning. Don and my husband went out for a short walk nearby Hayashi shrine.
Don meekly pays a visit to the God.
It seems that Don loves such a quiet atmosphere. I am sure that he was refreshed in the cool morning air.
It is interesting to see old stone Buddha monuments and miniature masks offered by unknown local farmers. The rice cropping was recently started at nearby rice field under my residential area. Don was eagerly watching the cropping work as he grow farm produces as well.
While the two were away,I washed the cloths and prepared the lunch box.
As we drove afar yesterday, we will visit a nearby seashore. We all wore hats and drove out to Tanoura beach. 
I usually see the beach while I was driving this road but this is the second time to go to the beach. I've never visited the offshore reclaimed island. The sky and sea were in deep blue and palm trees were swinging in the breeze. The lands cape reminds me of Arizona I had once lived,Don said.
Don is always busy in taking pictures and videos and he enjoys the fine morning today. In the distance,a steel plant is visble. My husband's old workplace.
 The view from the sun deck of Tanoura Isle in the center of the park is really good. The blue sky opens as wide as eye can reach. The window started to blow little stronger. We opened the lunchbox under the rest terrace. There was a large marble round table in the chapel-like designed terrace.
I made the lunchbox by available food in my icebox. I packed it in two nest of boxes I seldom use except the new year days.
I didn't put any ingredient into the rice ball as Don seems not to take salty food like pickled Ume. Let's pick up any your favorites from the lunchbox.  
I am also happy that I don't take such small and pleasant lunchbox recently. We enjoyed the pleasant chatting and the lunchbox was completely turned to empty. 
This is chrch-like rest house. The land side of the house is designed as the stage. After the lunch, we opened the sheet on the lawn and laid ourselves on it. On the stage a cosmetic playing is being held,it seems that a CM movie is taken there. 
Another photograph party appeared. A just-married couple. Recently, young couple like to take video prior to the formal ceremony,they say.They said that they will change the costume in the wedding ceremony. God bless you two!
As my husband has a small meeting in the late afternoon, we let the park. Don looked happy by seeing a group of schoolchildren.
My husband wanted to see his old workplace to Don and visited the Oita Prefectural Shrine. 
The shrine was busy for preparing the "753 festival" (a festival (on November 15th) for children of three, five and seven years of age (or more exactly, for boys of three and five and girls of three and seven).
Oita industrial complex view from the shrine observatory deck.After my husband dropped off at the meeting hall, I drove back home with Mr.Don.
In the dinner time, all three joined up. Mr.Don said today is Hallowe’en and kindly bought soda water to my husband who doesn't drink alcoholic beverage, and ginger ale to me. We toasted together. I put the vegetable chip on the compote, a keepsake from my grandmother. The table turned luxurious a little.
I decorated two lovely dolls presented from Mayumi before together with a pumpkin ornament. I posted the picture to Facebook. Mayumi was glad to see them saying "You are keeping the doll until today,thank you very much!"
Mr.Don leaves Oita this morning at last. The short pleasant days are passing so quickly. Please be sure to come to Oita again. Don is heading to Osaka today and to Shanghai after Osaka.

When was it that Don first came to my house in Oita? Was it in 1995 We have been good friends for many years. Don is just like my son,18 years younger than me. Thank you very much Don this time meeting again! I really appreciate your warm consideration.  
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