July 24,2009 The 35th YMF executive committee meeting
The 35th YMF will be opened next week at last. We had the last meeting tonight. Many volunteer staffs joined the meeting.
We also attended the meeting a little bid behind time. Mr. Sato, executive committee staff, explained the final preparation schedule in detail and checked the time schedule of the each member..
Many goods are neatly arranged in order by section. We checked the contents and list up what was in short and what was surplus.
The commemorative T-shirt was ready as well. The main stream of the design was of dark color this time.
We two purchased the same yellow T-shirts. On the back is the names of the artists.
The detailed discussion was made in each section. Now the festival is ready to go. W two will become the resident of Yufuin valley after tomorrow. We went back home in the rain.

I hope the rainy season will be over by early next week. Well, see you in Yufuin soon!
As I have been so busy that I couldn't join the preparation meetings and the starting party. My engine is still cold but I will do my best during the YMF.Mie back next