August 20,2008: The first arrival of autumn
The Bon season was over and I feel the subtle air of autumn in the morning and evening. I hope the terrible heat of summer will soon go away.

My summer holiday was over by today. I drove up to Kumamoto city to attend the committee meeting.
Thin mist filled the landscape this morning. This is my familiar rest point of Shiroyama observation platform.
I love the great valley of Aso looking down from the observation platform. The green rice paddies were also in the thin milky mist. I will drive down the slope.
A green stand that sells fresh morning-cropped vegetables. The shop was closed as usual as I always pass here early in the morning. If the weather is fine I could enjoy the grand scope of Aso mountain range called "Sleeping Buddha."

The mist filled the valley all day long today, they said.
I arrived at Kumamoto GOF (Group Of Friends) house in which the committee meeting was held. Beautiful flower welcomed me as usual.

Today's flower arrangement were Matsumushisou and burnet, autumn flowers.
((Cross over your mouse on the image.)
The sun was still strong in daytime. I took my lunch box I had prepared in my home. The cool dessert was very good.