October 10,2007: Autumn art stimulates my appetite
Until yesterday, it was very hot justlike mid summer.
The rain brought cool autumn today,however.
I hope the long hot summer was gone.

We visited "artegio" museum to enjoy Mr. Michio Kobayashi's regular promnade concert held on the second Wednesday.
Today's guest was Mr. Kazumi Teranishi, violinist.
He ihas been active in Germany and Wien, they say.
The program was sonata for piano and violine by Mozart and R.Straus.
The performance was really great. A young local guitarist Matsumoto turned over the score.
I felt the music lingering on in my mind after the performance was over. Yufuin valley was shrouded in a heavy mist.
We visited Budouya restaurant of Tamanoyu hotel. The evening scene was very good.
As we had a small time, I enjoyed shopping. I bought lovely rice bowls for my son and his wife living in Belgium.
The entrance of the hotel was decorated with beautiful flower called "Akebono grass."
In the lobby was full bloomed cosmos flower.
I wanted to drink champagne before the dinner.
The chestnut was the core of the appetizer. Even the needle of the chestnut was edible food.
Autumnal colored leave gave another beauty on the table.
Autumnal vegetables were very good.
Today's main dish was..
Mouse on the pod. You will see grilled Bungo beef, the finest food in the world.
Red wine matches to beef, after all. Oh, yes, I enjoyed soft-shelled turtle clear soup as well. My husband took clear carp soup.

In the end, I enjoyed traditional white rice and pickles. I was really happy.
I took dessert at the common room. I ordered coffee.
My husband couldn't drink any alcoholic beverage as he was a driver today.
The dessert was home made ice cream. The taste reminded me of my dear old days.
The common room was decorated with white beautiful flowers at any time. Today's flower was burnet,giving an unusual air.

I enjoyed the first wonderful autumn today. Thank you very much my husband.