May 7,2007: Aso route
On Kujuu highland, I saw dying rape flowers in the morning sun.
We have had a heavy rain until this morning, but now carp streams are swinging grandly in the blue sky on the background of Kujuu mountain range.Click the picture to enlarge
Good morning, my dear old friend, a monument of Bungo black cow, one of the special product of this area.
Summer has already arrived at Kujuu mountain range.
The entrance of Kujuu Flower Park. Lavender and many kinds of flowers are in full bloom now. Nobody was visible on the gate in the early morning.
I drove down to Aso Valley. Two weeks ago, the mountain was covered with unseasonable snow.
But now, the field has turned green and early summer has come steadily to the valley.

Looking down The valley in the evening. Many rice paddies were already watered for coming rice planting work.
Kujuu mountains in the sunset.
This rice paddy was already planted, reflecting the beautiful sunset.
The flower beds along the road were very good.

Today, I made a round drive to Kumamoto by alone after a long time. I was relieved to be able to close the meeting successfully.