March 17,2007: Spring comes soon ?

I found Mt.Yufu (left) and Mt. Tsurumi covered with snow caps this morning.
The sun was warm and bright, however. The small stream of Nanase reflected the sunshine. The back hill is Ryouzen (holly mountain.)
I parked the car on the bank of Nanase and enjoyed a short walk in the full blossom of rape flowers.
I love this yellow flower very much.

After having seen supervisor Yung Sokuho's final chapter of "Four seasons series" "Spring Waltz ", rape blossoms became very favorite flowers.
I snapped it here and there.
Honey bees were buzzing around the flower.
I picked some of the flowers and put them in the vase. Spring has come into my room at last.
And then I looked for spring flowers in my garden

CrocusNorth poleChristmas rose


MuscaliRengyo Hyacinth

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