May 25, 2006: Blue sky at last
We were lured out by the blue sky after many days. An unusual "Brush tree" flower caught my sight on the street.
Long long time ago, when my son was an elementary school boy, he used to go school through this narrow school passage. A hand well pump had been then new and shinning in use. The pump has been watching kids after then for a long time, turning its color into rust. Does it still work? My son used to drink water from the pump on his way back to home, he had once said so.
A pleasant billboard of Nanase River Park welcomed me.
Firefly marks are on the handrail of the bridge. Yes, we will soon be able to enjoy the insects.
Clean stream under the bridge.
many seniors enjoyed "Gate ball" in the park.
A family was enjoying lunch under the shade of the tall tree. The sight of weekday afternoon eased my heart.
I walked around the vicinity and got back home. I found lovely flower of "Under the snow." As I usually lack of exercise, it was a very good half day today.Picture by cellular phone