April 3, 2006:Cherry-blossom viewing

The cherry blossoms are in full bloom on a warm beautiful day.
Mt. Tsurumi and Mt. Yufu soar high in the distance on the background of spring blue sky.
The cherry blossoms match well with the blue sky.
I walked through the brilliant scene.
Lovely pink flowers were smiling at me.
Hello, my friend, false acacia.
Today's destination was "Green Kingdom Motherland" run by Kyushu dairy.
The dairy plant is just like a park, open to the public. On the right was the restaurant.
The visitors can enjoy the guided tour of the milking plant.
The over bridge guides the visitors to the park safely.
Beyond the park were a wonderful cherry lined street.
Mini zoo. Hey, how could you get out of the fence?
The rabbits were in the round cage.
Pony corner. They were very tame, allowing the visitors to touch by the head.
Wild cherry blossoms were in full bloom as well.
The restaurant was still under preparation. Lovely mug cups.
Separated dust box. Combustibles from the left and cans and bins from the right.
The cherry blossoms around this area were burst into full bloom as we had a warm rain yesterday. We walked back through the road by Oita Prefectural Nursery College.
The area is good for family walking.