March 22-23, 2006: Beautiful Tokyo
The statue of Sorin Ohtomo, a feudal lord in old Oita, stand quietly in front of Oita railroad station in the morning.
A sightseeing bus awaits for the tourists with the painting of Yukichi Fukuzawa, a local giant born in Nakatsu city Oita prefecture.
Spring flowers were in full bloom in the flower bed in the square.
I got on a limousine to Oita airport to catch a flight to Tokyo.
I took omelet lunch in the terminal.
Red chicken rice, green peas, and catsup made me remind my dear old small days.
TV yesterday said that an official announcement was released saying the cherry trees were in bloom.
Beautiful flower pods were here and there.
Pink "Kingyo grass."
Lovely daffodils.
Pink Christmas rose is one of my best favorite flowers.
Jiyu Gakuen campus was built in 1921 by the founders Yoshikazu and Motoko Hani. The design was by Frank Lloyed Wright, an American great architect.
Bush of Hitori-Shizuka.
The magnolia in the garden of Females' Friends Publisher holds white flowers as usual.
I stayed at a hotel in Shibuya. A huge ad of Korean actress チェ・ジュウ.

Evening skyline of Tokyo.
In the evening, I visited a friend in SEICHI TRAVEL.
The travel agent will take care of me in my visit to Korea in April. We had a pleasant chat with Ms.Soonim Sun with whom I have been talking through the phone.
My dinner was Penne Coronary, spicy sausage, and Sauerkraut. All were very good.
Ikebukuro streets may never sleep.
I took rice porridge breakfast the next breakfast.
I could view down from 25th floor the great crossroads of Shibuya where traffic lights allow pedestrians to cross in any direction simultaneously.There is a famous Hachikou-dog monument on below right.
In the morning, I walked out and dropped in "cafe-B." Click the picture.
Then I visited Matsutou Museum I have long been wanted to see. The museum was unfortunately closed, however.
I continued walking and came up to Tokyu Cultural Village.
I entered BUNKMURA The Museum in which a special exhibition "The painters inspired by Swiss Mt. Spirits." I was happy because I could relaxed and see many Segantini (my best-favorite artist) paintings.
I returned back to Shibuya station Hachiko-dou square. A tall weeping cherry presented from Ohdate city of Akita prefecture as the 80th anniversary of the dog was in full bloom.
"Faithful Hachikou-dog" was cast in a manhole cover.
Somei-Yoshino species.
Akihabara terminal.

"Visitor-gathering industry creation forum 2006" was held here sponsored by Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry.
Many companies joined the forum.
Mr. Takemoto, my friend, explained about the forum for me.
Many beautiful flowers were here and there.
I have had a very busy time today.
NEWYORK CHEESECAKE reminded me of my old good friend Michael Hauben in New York. I bought it for souvenir.