June 17 2005: Barbecue party
Mr. Wyatt experienced Japanese calligraphy today in school. Look at his work. On the right is by the teacher, and on the left is his writing.
His work is very good with beautiful handwriting.
Well, we will have a barbecue party on the terrace. Mr. Joel will soon join us.
It is not so easy to make fire.
Once the charcoal got fired, it went well. Mr. Joel joined us. We baked potato and corn first. I learned the way of baking potato from Ms. Paul of Melbourne. They were very good.
Mr. Joel looks busy in grilling the meat and other food.
Two young students enjoy conversation, sometimes in Japanese. After arriving in Japan, it has been a week and I hope they could relax a little after the daily tension.
Barbecue is good for many people.
The host family of Mr. Joel arrived and we again enjoyed chatting for a while. We have had a good evening today.