June 9, 2005: Visit to Tenjin COARA
I caught a highway bus to Fukuoka early in the morning.
We have beautiful sky today as well. The green around me deepens its color.
Chikugo plain was in the midst of cropping barley. Rice planting will soon start.
Two hours drive took me to Tenjin of Fukuoka City. The street was crowded with commuter vehicles.
A huge banner drops down on the outer wall, reading "Meissen Exhibition." I wished If I could take a look at it. I soon headed to my destination by subway.
After the meeting, I came back to Tenjin. A cool breeze blows on the street. A sort of evening concert may start soon.
"Good water" was publicized on the street. The water tanks like those will be welcomed in the office in coming summer.
I arrived Meissen Exhibition.
Many beautiful ceramic plates were decorated on the wall.
Elegant designed cups made me sigh. The ridge of the cup was waved like this. I wanted to visit National Ceramic Museum in Meissen, Germany someday.
Next I visited this time target, Tenjin COARA on the 15th floor of the building. I looked down the world through the window, "Wow, so high!"
At the office of Tenjin COARA, president Ono welcomed me. He started COARA 20 years ago and has grown up it until today. The history can be regarded as the history of Internet in Japan. We enjoyed pleasant chatting on recent topics.
Pretzel made Miss Umeno delighted. She is a charming lady who works hard with uninterrupted smile.
I was sorry for them to disturb their works more than one hour.
Tenjin street changed its cloth for evening hours.
I took a return bus to Oita and enjoyed good summer evening scenery.