May 11, 2005: Yufuin Artegio concert
We have had a wonderful early summer day today again.
I visited Artegio promenade concert in Yufuin. AS Mt. Yufu was too beautiful to take only a few shot, I snapped many pictures from different angles.
Above was taken from route 210 and right picture was from the entrance of the Self-Defense Forces Yufuin base.
As I arrived Yufuin a little bit earlier, I visited an exhibition of Mr. Masakuni Kato's paintings. (He is the General Secretariat of Yufuin Music Festival,YMF.) Mr. Michio Kobayashi, one of the top musicians in the world, who has just finished rehearsal, kindly joined us and explained about Mr. Kato's works of music score painting.
I took a late lunch at Artegio restaurant. Today's special was "Salty tomato" cooked as salad and oil dip.
The main dish was boiled rice assorted with chicken-and-egg. The taste of chicken was very good, even my husband enjoyed it.
Mt. Yufu in the afternoon sky.
Mt. Yufu behind straw-thatched roof of Cottage Murata.

Yufuin valley looking down from the height.
Mt. Yufu from Fantasy Forest Artegio.
Artegio is an art museum based on the concept of music. In the hall many music concerts are on schedule including our YMF. On the second Wednesday in every month, you can enjoy wonderful promenade concert by Michio Kobayashi who is a resident of Yufuin valley.
He makes it a rule to play the harpsichord of the hall every month. As his regular concert has entered the second year, he decided to play nearby piano. Today, a soprano vocal recital was held by Ms. Eiko Katanosaka accompanied by Michio Kobayashi's piano.
Mr. Kobayashi explained the vocal meaning in detail.
The wonderful soprano echoed Yufuin valley on the excellent piano by Michio Kobayashi. I could enjoy a supreme bliss today.
Ms. Eiko Katanosaka, an opera singer, learned in Wien National Music Academy. She is now a professor of Oita Prefectural Art and Culture junior college.

The stormy applause found no end and she sang three encores.