April 13-14, 2005:Welcome Peter and Kaeko from Germany
April 13: Enjoy a night in Nakasu, central Hakata
En route on their trip in Kyushu Island, Mr. Peter Klaus and Ms. Kaeko visited Hakata city. We first met them eight years ago through my homepage and then met in Germany.
In last fall, we met in Beppu and enjoyed a beautiful day. This time, we reserved a hotel and renewed our friendship.
We first took a light dinner on Tempura and Yakitori (grilled meat on a stick.

Mr. Klaus loves Japanese food very much. I remember the first mail from him was "Please teach me how to prepare vinegar ginger."
We enjoyed a pleasant chatting in Japanese, English, and German. After that, we walked out for strolling Nakasu river side. So many colorful neon signs reflect on the water and make an unusual scene for Mr. Klaus who lives in a quiet suburbs facing Baltic sea.
We looked around stalls in the river side park.
We were lured by the call of a stall.
Hakata lamian (Chinese noodles in soup) is one of famous foods here. Mr. Klaus, rice lover, was at a loss first but soon tried the noodle and satisfied with the taste.
Nakasu park still boasts of its beautiful cherry blossoms in night. (Click)
A street musician fascinated us for a while. (Click)

We went back to the hotel late in the night.