September 17, 2004: NPO BuNGO Channel opens a meeting
From seven in the evening, people flock in twos and threes to LifePal on the 5th avenue of downtown Oita.
In a conference room on the second floor, we checked-in and sat on the seat.
Papers are on the table. Yes, this is the second term regular general meeting of BuNGO Channel.
Usually, the members enjoy chatting as soon as they meet, but this time the meeting is formally carried out according to the agenda. Mr. Mori, the chairman of the board of directors, made a few words in the beginning.
Mr. Kai was elected as the chairman. He manages the meeting smoothly by explaining two major bills together with questions and answers.
The two auditors, Kuboki and Nagano gave friendly comments on the general meeting.
The minutes of meeting was recorded by Ishida, thank you for your efforts.
The members work voluntarily here and ther in the city. Mr. Kai introduced an event to be held at Tsurusaki Cultural Class.
The meeting was over just on time before nine. After taking we-were-there-pictures, some members dissolved in the darkness to have another pleasant time.
BuNGO Channel was granted as an NPO in this February. It promotes three major fields such as Making Broad Band Contents,Preliminary IT learning class for South Oita area, and Garbage-Zero Campaign. We also reported many groups in the Campaign and will continue to develop the activities in the next term as well.
BuNGO Channel report by Nagano