August 2, 2004: See you again
We cleaned up Kanakana cottage we have stayed for five days and came to Yunotakean restaurant to have a lunch with the artists. After seAeing off the Kounos, Mr. Kentarou Nakaya, the president of Kamenoi Besso joined us and enjoted pleasant chatt.
The special Shochu spirits called Kanehachi was very good, my husband said and gave me the key of the car.
We said all artists. We were very happy to have a good time as usual in YMF.

August 4, 2004: Review meeting
The review meeting was held at Kotokoto-ya tearoom this evening. We discussed how to make the festival much beter. The next meeting will be held on August 23.


The 30th YMF Fall and Winter concert
October 23(Sat) Fall concert, from 20:00 at Artegio

Players: Kiyoshi Oka (Violin)
Nobuko Yamasaki (Cello)
Michio Kobayashi (Piano)
December 30 (Thu) from 20:00 Winter Concert at Artegio Harpshicord recital by Michio Kobayashi