July 29, 2004: Eve and welcome party
The commemorative 30th YMF's eve started at last. Mr. Kumpei Mizoguchi, the representative of YMF, makes a few words in the beginning.
It was 30 years ago that YMF's first cry echoed the valley under the starry sky. Thanks to the guests, artists, and staff, we could cerebrate its 30th anniversary today.
A local quartet Air Quartet, from Oita Art and Culture Junior College, plays on the stage.
Quartet Excelcio has returned back for the first time in three years to Yufuin.
Shigemi Takei, an prominent emcee and musician, asks Mr. Hajime Otomo, a young world famous cellist, "Why you are called 'Hacchan?'" The hall burst into laughter. ("Ha" comes from his first two characters Hajime and "chan" is a familiar ending wording of a name.)
Chieko Teratani, a world famous mezzo-soprano, fascinated the audience with her wonderful voice.
All the guests that filled the hall were very pleased and enjoyed the welcome party together with the artists, local volunteers, and staffs.
Yufuin Winery sells commemorative bottle of the 30th YMF.
On the tables in the lobby are the mountain of foods prepared by local young cookers' groups.
They always try to create new wonderful dishes from local materials. They are very good and make people satisfy.
Ms. Shide, the head of Yufuin Cultural Circle, appeals that the festival would continue into 50 to 100 anniversary.
From right, Mizoguchi (the representative of YMF), Momoo Kishibe (the first music director), Michio Kobayashi (general music producer from nominated year), Masakuni Kato (the head of executive committee), and Fumiaki Kouno (the third music director.)
The artists and staff drink the toast hoping a wonderful festival this time as usual.
Young Air quartet enjoys as well.

After the party some of us moved to Tanaka inn and enjoyed again.