
March 10, 2004: Preparation meeting for "Kyushu block food study"

As I was relieved to hear that we will have a warm day today,
I drove down to Kumamoto City by alone.
This time, I took #57 route via Inukai town and passed Mt. Aso.
The top of the mountain range is still covered with snow like this.

GOF Kumamoto house welcomed me with a flower vase filled with spring flowers.
Pansy,daphne, Ume flowers release sweet scent.

The member served me with home-made whole minded lunch.
The chop stick rest is made of Ume twig.

Fukuoka, Kumamoto, Kagoshima, Kurume, Nagasaki, Kitakyushu,
and Oita members had a good meeting. The number of the attendants was 12.