March 6, 2004: NPO Sightseeing COARARegular meeting No.7
We will boil down the final draft of “Home page making and tea party for female course" to be held next week. Watanabe summarizes one week activity since last time meeting.
Fujino will make the textbook. He brought-in even an instant book-making machine.
Heated discussions continue over the progress table in hands.
Ms. Kuwano, always forward-looking and vivid, will be in charge of the party after the course. She brought-in a wooden bowl and appealed that she would not want to make waste in the party to protect the environment. The dishes and bowls will be from a famous wood-craft works in Yufuin. She will take care of the lunch on the day. She always gives me courage.
Mr. Himeno reviews today's discussion by reconfirming each roll assigned to the members.

Well, I must concentrate on my part as well.
In the end, Ms. Kuwano made a new proposal to join a joint volunteer group tentatively named "Kyushu Road-Keeping Conference." We agreed and decided to attend the meeting on March 25.
Mr. Himeno reads a book eagerly. The book is of a good brochure titled "Doushu", meaning "To keep the road clean."
Well, we will open"Home page making with tea party course" next week.
We will be busy this weekend. Let concentrate our power to make the course pleasant.
*Meeting report of NPO Sightseeing COARA, No.7
Time & place: March 6, 2004; at Net Piazza
Attendant: 7
Korenaga, Watanabe, Abe,Fujino,Kadowaki,Kuwano,Himeno,Ono, and Nagano

* Information sending out beginner's course(IT course)
Formal name: "Home page making and tea party for female"
Home page making on sightseeing facilities along Beppu-Oita national road.

- Public relations report and to-do items from now
- Site preparation check
- Party preparation and lunch box for the staff on the day
- Manual making and scheduling
- Reporter reception
- Program check

*To join Oita block of "Kyushu Road-Keeping Conference."

reported by Nagano