February 28, 2004: The second study class of "Zero Trash Campaing in Oita"
The second study class of "Zero Trash Campaing in Oita" was held today afternoon at the 14th floor of Oita Prefecture Office from 13:00 through 16:30.
At the corner of the main building is my favorite statue like this, meaning "The birthplace of western music in Japan."
On December 6 last year, 30 groups were designated as "Zero Trash Campaing in Oita". Our BuNGO Channel is a member of the group, of course. Bungo Ume flower is in full bloom now. Mr. Mori, left, is the representative of BuNGO Channel. On the right is my husband Ken. Bungo is the old name of Oita area. OK, ready to go!
The receptionists said our group will take place in the front row.
The hall is set up beautifully by the Office members.
Each group put the presentation data onto the computer.
The site was soon filled with many guests ranging from junior high school students to senior generations who are eager to clean up our Oita prefecture.
Ms. Miyako Matsuda is a commentator on life environment. She will give advice on each presentation.
OHP (Over Head Projector), Power Point, and even hand-written panels are good measures to make presentation.
Our public relations group got on the stage in the end. Mr. Mori first reported that the OK message to NPO application has just arrived from Oita Prefecture a couple of hours ago.
The presentation was done by using PointCast.
Mr. Mori enthusiastically talks at the audience to create a new home page that covers 30 groups activities to build up a network for the Campaign promotion nation-wide.
The PR group consists of four groups, from left, "EMOTION", "BuNGO Channel" "GO clean up", and "Ring and circle,"
In the end Matsuda summed up the heated presentation with the encouraging message to send information from here Oita to all Japan.
In the back of the hall are some displays showing the activities of the groups. This is so called "Suitcase museum." All the musical instruments were made, surprisingly, from flotsam and jetsam. "Water front playing club" of Nakatsu city presented this art today.
All the attendants have same target. The circles of the heated talk continued here and there.

Our BuNGO Channel will help 30 groups to promote their activities through the network from now on.
BuNGO Channel Pictures and report by:Mieko Nagano