November 12, 2003: AINESS open session on "Living"
"Vicious business, you may be a sucker"
Two days rain has cleared up at last today. White cloud on the background of the blue sky remind me of good autumn.
Today, I came up to AINESS hall. The building is of Oita prefectural facility newly built in April this year. It features active consultation of consumers' troubles and the running of Male-Female Cooperation Plaza.
Many banners around the building welcome the visitors. It reads "AINESS Festa 2003."
In the large hall on the second floor is an exhibition on the activities of NPOs in Oita prefecture.
This exhibition tells the progress status of Male-Female Cooperation in the world. Japan is still behind many competitors in women activities.
We have an open lecture titled AINESS opening event today.

As my husband sometimes joins the event in AINESS, I came up here to join the event.
Today's lecture is on "Vicious business - you may be a good sucker." The lecturer is Mr. Tsugio Sakai, the chairman of "National Victims Group of vicious business." He is also an exclusive instructor of International junior college.
Many visitors put their names on the reception table.
Ministry of Economics and Industry Kyushu branch dispatched a young manager to make a few words in the opening. Oita prefecture also sent the general manager of Living and Environmental Department.
The lecturer fascinated the audience by his good talk backed bay his many experience.
" I can't believe that such a good man did vicious business." "I have just waked up from a nightmare." Those words are common to the victims, he said.
"Say No clearly in the beginning, it is the most important to protect yourself from the vicious business." He stressed.

Yes, we must live carefully. My husband nodded.