October 1, 2003: Garden party continues
On the spacious garden of Yufuin Museum, people enjoy pleasant chatting here and there.
Mr. Tooru Ono, the president of COARA, is one of our old friends.
Ms. Izumi Kuwano and Mr. Tooru Ono.
Good foods are everywhere prepared by "Yufuin Cooking Research Group." This is sushi corner.
Tomato bouillabaisse is one of Yufuin's special food.
Many alcoholic beverages such as Yufuin local beer, wine, and Shochu make people happy. Mr. Ono serves coffee, of course. He always serves good coffee in Yufuin Music Festival.

I climbed up the grassy roof of the Museum. Japanese pampas grass was very good, telling the deepening autumn of Yufuin.
The new president of Tamanoyu Hotel Ms. Izumi Kuwano makes an inaugural.
The party was ended up with vivid performance of Yufuin river source drum group.