August 11, 2003: Open Source top front
The 40th Hyper Forum
The 40th Hyper Forum was held today in Oita City. Before the Forum, Mr. Takemoto of Institute for Hyper Network Society introduces Beppu Bay Conference, which is to be held on August 29th.
"e-Japan strategy" and IT-oriented self-governments surge in all around Japan. They focuse on Linux and other "Open Source Software (OSS.)" Mr.ebara makes a few words in the opening.
The first presenter is Mr. Takashi Kume, a prominent assistant manager of METI Ministry of Economics Trade, and Industry.) The theme is "Present status and future expectation on OSS."
Open Source means, he argues, softwares whose source cord are open to public for free use and improvement. The increasing usage rate will be over 15.1% in 2006 compared with 7.1% in 2002.
Some 12 years ago, a college student popped up his idea of OSS called Linux. The development and proliferation speed are so quick that many heated discussions filled the room.
The next presenter adjusts his computer for smooth display on the screen during 10 minutes break.
Mr. Takagi, the representative of OSDL Japan, introduces OSS with easy wordings. The headquarters of OSDL is in Portland, Oregon, USA.
His heated talk removed his business suit jacket off.
He showed an impressive picture he took on a party including Mr. Linus Torvalds. The picture was taken early this month.
The picture tells the feature of an open source software. The developers and users are very close like this.
Mr. Linus Torvalds is the "core", and users, engineers, service providers, commentators, journalists, and others sit in the equal distance to support the Linux. The OSS is still under development being reinforced by the above mentioned people. Business opportunity using OSS will be increasing steadily.
The next presentation is on actual business. Mr. Kouji Odagiri, a member f Miracle Linux Co. Ltd., presented an interesting sample of "Linux+Samba+LDAP will cover Windows domain. No thank you Windows Server 2003 any more."
What is Samba? It will let Linux control Windows. There are many convenient conversion tools. The license cost is unbelievably cheaper than Windows, he stressed.
The actual spread status was very interesting for me.
I have been attending Hyper Forum meetings in the past so long as I had time. The discussions held there were hard to understand for me, an ordinary home wife. But they are very exiting to stimulate my brain to catch up with the top talks. The 41st Hyper Forum will be held on August 29. Click here for detailed information.
The 40th Hyper Forum
Top front of Open Source Software
Government strategy and OSS evangelists
Date: August 11, 13:00-17:00
Place: Soft Park Sofia Hall
Sponsors: Oita Prefecture, Institute for Hyper Network Society
Backers: OSDL Japan, Japan Linux Association, Japan Samba Group, Japan Samba Users Group, Japan Webmin Users Group
Incorporated foundation
Institute for Hyper Network Society