January 23-25, 2003: Visit to Ranzan in Saitama
This is "Moon Tower" in Haneda airport.

Three days from today, I will attend to a meeting of Natio0nal Group of Friends to be held in Tokyo area.
I took a Toubu-Toujou Line from Ikebukuro station.
We awoke from the chatting and found ourselves running through the whole place covered with snow.
We arrived Musashi Ranzan, the destination of this time. Just an hour train from Tokyo took us to such snowy world.
A bus picked us up and headed to the meeting site. The fantastic scene welcomes us.
The site is "International Females' Education Hall." Japan's national flag swings in the snow.
On the next morning, deep blue sky smiles at us.
The over bridge guides us to the meeting hall from the lodge. The slippery way makes me walk very slowly.
The meeting hall sits in the snow.
We had a meeting of National Group of Friends here today.
We go back to the lodging building to take lunch. The pond is frozen like this.
We take the lunch in a relaxed atmosphere.
The morning set in Ranzan.
In the afternoon, the meeting was over and the attendants headed home.
Tokyo railroad station.
I will take a Shinkansen after a long time. I found a monument that reads "Prime Minister Hamaguchi was assassinated here."
Shinkansen has recently stretched its line to Hachinoe, northern part of Japan. The tourists are happy to get the new line that shortens the time-distance to Tokyo.
Mt. Fuji in the sunset.

Mt. Fuji is number one, anyway.
My "souvenir" to my husband was, surprisingly, influenza of Hong Kong A-type.
Take care!