From 2002 to 2003
December 25

A foreign student Mr. Zang YingKang of Chiba University stays in my home during the year-end holidays.
He is from Shanghai. He is very fluent in speaking Japanese. He views a Chinese web site by my computer.

December 26: A late Christmas"Singing hymns group" meeting at Kujyu log house was held.

27th: We joined a year-end party at Beppu
27th: We joined a year-end party at Beppu after looking around Beppu famous Hell tour.

28th: Shopping and walking around
What are they doing?

Yes, they are making Kadomatsu, the ornament to be set at the entrance of a house to welcome a New Year.
Beautiful peaks of Mt. Yufu and Tsurumi are visible in the distance with the snow caps on the tops under the blue sky.
December 29: foreign student Mr. Zang YingKang of Chiba University stays in my home during the year-end holidays.
The repair of Shouji, paper screen.
After the big work, we enjoyed afternoon tea at the terrace.
30th: A parcel was delivered. It was a present from my son family, ASIMO of Honda. I was very glad to see the lovely stuffed body.
My son and his wife came to my house the other day. They remembered what I said and sent me the stuffed ASIMO (Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility.)
In the afternoon, we prepared for the New Year arrival.
Zang prepares Sui-Gyouza for the dinner.
It was very good.

31st: New Year's Eve
Late in the last day of a year, we make it a rule to take "Crossing the year noodle" and visit a nearby temple to ring the "Joya-no-Kane", the bell ringing out the old year. This time Mr. Zhang is with us.
We first worshiped the Buddha Image at the main building of the temple.
Zhang climbed up to the bell house.
And ring the bell strongly. The low, but far-reaching resonance of the bell remains long in the midnight sky of Oita.

Leaving the temple, we headed to a nearby shrine called Hayashi Shrine for the first pray of the year.
After the pray, we take "Holly sake."

We then warm ourselves by the big fire in the precincts wishing a sound and healthy year.

We met one of our closest friends. He kindly took a picture for us. I hope this year will be a good year for all.

The New Year morning
we cerebrate the morning of the New Year with special dishes called "Osechi."
We wear Kimono, a traditional Japanese costume.
Mr. Zhang also wears it.
We took a commemorative picture.
In the afternoon, we drove out. The first visit is Oita Gokoku Shrine, a prefectural worship site.
The weather is so fine that we can overview grand scope of Oita seaside industrial zone. My husband explains to Zhang on his old working site, Nippon Steel Corporation Oita Works.
After the pray, we consulted an oracle to forecast our fortunes, then tie the paper tot he twig of a pine tree in the precincts.
Next stop was Kamezuka tumulus.

The total length of the ‘keyhole-shaped’ tumulus is about 120 meters.
The restored tumulus makes us dream what the life of the Amabe tribe in 4-5th century was.
We got back home and wrote the answers to many New Year greeting cards.

January 2, 2003: Spa tour
The weather is fine today as well. After the late breakfast, we drove up to Yufuin.
A view from Sagiridai observation platform. The top of Mt. Yufu is in the snow cloud.
Oita river rises from this Kinrin pond.
The air is very cold, but the mist rises up from the surface of the pond as hot spring well up in the water.
Ducks enjoy spa bathing in the pond.
Beautiful winter blue sky looks us down.
The air is so cold and crispy, but we tried Roten-Buro, outdoor spa bathing.
The open-air bath charge of "Sendou" restaurant includes drinks. We took light lunch after the bathing.
Kotokoto-Ya tea room is our resort. Beautiful New Year-like flowers are everywhere in the warm room.
We enjoyed pleasant chatting over the aroma of original coffee.
On our way back home, we dropped in a Kagura Theater in Shounai town.
The first play of Kagura dance is dedicated to God. The performance was wonderful, but it was very cold to watch sitting on the grass.
Red-faced ogre finally submitted to the God, a happy-ending as usual.

As we were chilled down to the core of our bodies, we decided to warm up ourselves again in Shounai spa.

January 3, 2003 The end of Oshougatsu (New Year)
The strawberry has been on my mind for several days. This morning, I found a berry ha turned to red enough for harvest.
I got the seedlings of the strawberry when I visited to Ogi town for Haiku composing club's year-end party.

We picked it up together with Mr. Zhang. The berry will bring a good aroma of spring to him who will leave Oita tomorrow.
The last day of Oshougatsu was rainy day all day long, but in the evening, it stopped and sunset bright clouds appeared in the west.
In the evening, we drove out to enjoy illuminations in Oita. we first visited Takae town's main street. More than 20,000 light bulbs illuminate beautifully the street spanning 700 meters.
Next visit was Pedestrian Promenade Park in downtown Oita. The Park was filled with colorful light.
Kids group works were very good.
PET bottle tower was unusual. It started to rain and we soon got back to the car.

We returned home and took the last dinner of "Chinese meat ball dish" together with Mr. Zhang.

January 4, 2003: Zhai Chen, Mr. Zhang

Mr. Zhang's home stay in my house was over.
We took the last breakfast and send him to Oita station. We shook hands and said "Zhai Cheng", see you again. We hope he will remember us and we can see again someday somewhere. We also appreciate his father who sent us a kind message.