October 5, 2002: Concert for mothers
Such lovely paintings and
kids' handiworks welcomed us

at Tan-no-haru nursery school.
The lights made of Japanese paper craft cast soft light on the wooden-rich hall.

"Concert for mothers" is held today sponsored by "Tanpopo-no-kai", or Dandelion Club.
The concert is the second time. Many young artists joined it.

Zachary Braverman plays an old melody composed in Tang Dynasty with a Shakuhachi (Japanese flute.) It was very impressive.
Takahashi, a member of Oita Group of Friends, emcees the concert. The Group backs the concert up.
Young artists perform enthusiastically.
Dandelion Club started last summer wishing the healthy grow of the kids and community re-activation of Dainan area of Oita City. Some 150 members join it.
Ave Maria

and other violin plays.

And more. Two hours passed so quickly.
A part of the profit will be sent to Yume-Hikousen group.

We have had a good concert today.
A snack party was good as well.
Cookies and cakes were on sale.
A good designed wall clock.

I joined the concert for the first time. It was a very good event.
Concert for mothers
Mika Shutou, piano
Hanae Nishitani, soplane
Akiko Hata, violin
Hideki Gotoh, piano
Zachary Braverman, Shakuhachi
October 5, 2002
At Tan-no-haru nursery school
Oita GOF sales
Sponsored by Dandelion Club
Backed by Oita City, Oita Godo Press, Oita GOF, Howa bank, Mukumoto dental office, Sangokushi